A Portable Gas Instrument has a detection range of 1 gas up to 6 gases simultaneously depending on its configuration.
They are used to prevent harm from both toxic gas and combustible gas. They can also be used to detect when an environment becomes dangerous due to oxygen depliction . The gas that the monitor is designed to detect is referred to as the “target gas.”
Portable Gas Monitoring
The most commonly used device is the 4Gas Monitor (combustible gas, O2, CO and H2S).

This configuration is primarily used in water treatment, in the steel industry, for construction and public works, or for confined space entry. These monitors can be located on our Confined Space.

The Single Gas Monitor is used for monitoring only one hazardous gas then single gas monitors are the right solution. You can easily carry the single gas monitors on your working clothes. Depending on the frequency of operations, you can choose of disposable and reusable Single Gas Monitor.
Disposable detectors measure standard gases which can also be detected by our reusable CO, H2S, SO2 or O2 detectors. Monitoring reactive gases is also possible for example reactive gases can be detected via a Single O3 Monitor.
‘Volatile organic compounds’ (VOC) are considered collectively in air pollution control and their coverage in the same section as that of ozone is appropriate as VOC are involved in ozone formation in the atmosphere. The VOC level inside a building will exceed that of the air surrounding the building.
This is because VOC's are released by substances such as paints, polishes, office equipment and cosmetics. The primary sources of VOC in the atmosphere are however vehicles and refineries.
A common method of detection and measurement of VOC is photoionisation. A UV light source within the detection instrument ionises any VOC in gas drawn in for analysis. An electrical current is created and this is the basis of the signal. Multi Gas Monitors A Multi Gas Monitor will supply comprehensive gas analysis for oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) gases. These gas monitors work at a more complex rate for those seeking three to four gas monitoring to continuously assess a given environment.
These monitors can not only identify multiple gas concentrations from a single and robust platform, it can also enable the user to perform complete analysis with data logging. Most Multi Gas Monitors boast a large user-friendly LCD screen that provides monitoring of gas concentrations in live time.
Furthermore, individuals who work in applications that store or utilize numerous gases such as scientific or medical environments, Multi Gas Monitors can be trusted to monitor these gases which are crucial in applications like cryogenics, pest abatement, incubation, laboratory studies, research, life sciences, and others precisely and accurately.
Portable Dust Monitoring
Dust Monitoring is an important factor when assessing environmental and occupation impact.
Dust monitoring is detecting and assessing the particulate matter in the air. This particulate matter is a mix of liquid droplets and solid particles in the air, which is monitored by concentration and size. Once known, controls can be implemented to reduce the risk of inhalation before severe consequences arise.

Overexposure to dust in the air is known to be the cause of serious health problems. Local authorities often therefore specify, that dust levels on and around a construction site must be monitored and kept to within safe levels – protecting employees and neighbouring residents.
Portable Noise & Sound Monitoring
Noise and vibrations can result in deafening of ears. Individuals are also exposed to hazardous substances and chemicals found in petrol, solvents, degreasers, paints and other cleaning products. The chemicals found in these materials are alkenes, hydrocarbons, N-Propyl Bromide (nPB), benzene and ammonia - this list is not extensive.
There are two types of Noise monitoring, Noise Dosimeters and Sound Level Meters.
Noise Dosimeters are a specialised type of sound level meter that is used to measure personal noise exposure levels. They can also be used when it isn't safe or practical to use a full-sized sound level meter, such as in areas with a high fire risk or in confined spaces.
The Sound Level Meter consists of a calibrated microphone, electronic circuits, and a display. The microphone detects small air pressure variations associated with sound and converts them into electrical signals. The electrical signals are then processed using the instrument's electronic circuitry. If your Sound Level Meter has data-logging capabilities this is when the signal will be stored as data.
Should I use a sound level meter or a noise dosimeter?
Follow this rule!

Use Sound Level Meters when you need to know the noise level of a particular task or process, or how noisy a piece of machinery or area is.

Use Noise Dosimeters when you need to find out the direct noise exposure of an employee.
Area Gas Monitor
Area Gas Monitors are a great piece of equipment that can detect up to 7 gases simultaneously and is able to withstand the outside elements without compromising detection performance. It is kind of half Portable Gas Detection and half Fixed Gas Detection!

In fact an Area Gas Monitor operates technically like a Multi Gas Monitor as it concentrates the assets of Fixed Gas Detection in a portable, to make it a robust and user-friendly device. This monitor is particularly well-suited to detect the potential presence of gases in petroleum chemistry, refineries, confined spaces or wastewater treatment operations.

This monitor combines the Fixed Gas Detection philosophy of powerful communication, relay and alert to the freedom of a portable device that can easily be carried out depending on the needs.
Featuring long-lasting batteries that can run up to several weeks depending on the configuration, Area Gas Monitors can also be plugged to the main power source using an intrinsically safe connection kit for long-term operations. These devices can be connected to each other as well in order to ensure a safety perimeter.
If you are still unsure whether an Area Gas Monitor is right for you and your site please contact one of our team and we will be happy to assist!
Heat Stress Monitoring
Heat stress describes a variety of symptoms which relate to exposure of extreme heat conditions. These include cramps, burns, rashes, heat stroke, heat exhaustion and even sudden heart failure.
These symptoms have a high risk of effecting older individuals, overweight individuals or individuals with heart disease or high blood pressure. In addition, individuals with frequent exposure to high heat, such as firefighters, military, miners and refinery workers, experience increased safety hazards due to fatigue, equipment malfunction and other byproducts of heat exposure.

Unless an individual collapses from heat exhaustion, the possible health effects of working in the heat may not be obvious. This means it requires employers or the individual themselves to identify whether they or others have been exposed to risk from heat stress and are suffering from heat-related illnesses.
You can do this by observation of individuals and surveillance of a workplace, this can suggest areas of higher risk. We would then recommend the use of Heat Stress Monitors in these suggested area as the use of monitoring can formally identify high risk areas.
In addition it would be desirable for individuals that are actively working in higher risk area to understand heat stress and the health impacts that it has. Educating individuals in heat stress can also aid individuals to implement processes to reduce risk by understanding the risk that it poses.

Measuring heat stress can be done in a number of different ways, this is because heat stress can be contributed to range of variables. (clothing, heart rate, metabolic rate etc)
You can measure heat by doing the following:
Measuring the heat stress an individual is exposed to with a Heat Stress Monitor (Wet bulb globe temperature index)
Estimating metabolic rate
Measuring heart rate
Estimating clothing insulation values
If you are still unsure whether a Heat Stress Monitor is right for you and your site please contact one of our team and we will be happy to assist!
"I think I may need Safety Instrumentation Monitoring, but I don’t know anything about it!"
You don’t need to understand Safety Instrumentation Monitoring to be safe at work! If you are unsure whether you need a monitor, please call one of the team on the below number.

Call The Team: 01489 326031
You cannot create the need for Safety Instrumentation, the need is either there or isn’t – that why the best way to make sure you are keeping yourself and your own team as safe as possible is to give one of our experienced team members a call! You can speak to us about your site and our team will be able to advise you based off extensive working knowledge, existing and pre-existing clients/projects and industry specific hazards. Our team remain informed in the world of Safety Instrumentation so that we can provide up to date advice in line with best practices. This means whenever you speak to our team you know you are receiving updated support from people who care.
"Our work should enrich our lives, not cost them" - Alex Graft (Managing Director)